Back-to-school sales-tax holidays may not be as helpful as you’d think

This is the time of year when football players head to training camps, kids go back to school and various states hold sales-tax holidays. If you’re looking to save a few dollars on selected items, these can be good opportunities, provided that you can get the dates and locations right.

Tax holidays are temporary waivers of sales taxes on certain consumer items such as school supplies and sometimes clothing, shoes and even computers. Most states, especially in the West, don’t offer tax holidays. And for most of those that do participate, the exemptions typically apply to a small sampling of consumer items.

Nor are these policies all that effective in stimulating business, critics say, merely shifting the timing of purchases more than anything else. If you don’t live in a tax-holiday state, they probably aren’t worth bothering with.

#Backtoschool #salestax #holidays #helpful #youd

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